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闫福华,主任医师、教授、博士研究生导师、开元娱乐-开元游戏-开元官网 附属口腔医院副院长。1985年毕业于遵义开元娱乐 口腔医学系,获医学学士学位;1993年毕业于北京医科大学口腔开元娱乐 (现北京大学),获医学博士学位,1998年国家公派访问学者赴澳大利亚昆士兰大学牙学院进行组织工程与牙周再生治疗的研究。曾任福建医科大学口腔开元娱乐 及福建医科大学附属口腔医院院长、福建医科大学研究生教育学院院长、福建省口腔医学会首任及第二届会长、江苏省口腔医学会牙周病学专业委员会首任主任委员、武汉大学兼职教授、博士生导师。现任开元娱乐-开元游戏-开元官网 附属口腔医院副院长、博士研究生导师,享受国务院政府特殊津贴,中华口腔医学会牙周病学专业委员会主任委员、江苏省口腔医学会副会长, “十三五规划教材《牙周病学》副主编江苏省双创计划人才,江苏省特聘医学专家,江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才等荣誉。主要研究领域为组织工程与牙周再生治疗、牙周病与全身系统性疾病的关系、牙周病的种植修复治疗等。先后主持省部级及以上科研项目18项(其中国家自然科学基金项目7项),发表论文300余篇(其中International Journal of Oral Science, Journal ofDentalResearch, Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Journal of PeriodontologyJournal of Periodontal ResearchAdvanced Healthcare MaterialsBioactive materialsBiomaterials, TheranosticsAppliedMaterials Today等学术刊物 80余篇)。主编、主译学术专著26部。获教育部科技进步奖二等奖1项(1/15),江苏省医学新技术引进一等奖1项(1/3)。福建省科学技术进步奖二等奖1项(1/5),福建省教学成果奖二等奖1项(2/6)。已培养毕业博士28人、硕士55人。现正指导博士后4人、在读博士研究生6人、硕士研究生6人。





5. International Journal of Oral Science编委

    6. Frontiers in Dental Medicine编委

1.Bao J, Li L, Zhang Y, Wang M,   Chen F, Ge S, Chen B*, Yan F*. Periodontitis may induce gut   microbiota dysbiosis via salivary microbiota[J]. Int J Oral Sci.   2022,14(1):32. (IF:24.897)

2.Lu J, Zhang S, Huang Y, Qian J, Tan B, Qian X, Zhuang J, Zou X, Li Y*, Yan F*. Periodontitis-related salivary microbiota aggravates Alzheimer's disease via gut-brain axis crosstalk[J]. Gut Microbes. 2022,14(1):2126272. (IF:9.434)

3.Qian J, Lu J, Huang Y, Wang M,   Chen B, Bao J, Wang L, Cui D, Luo B, Yan F*. Periodontitis salivary   microbiota worsens colitis[J]. J Dent Res. 2021,2021;220345211049781.   (IF:8.924)

4.Li L, Wang M, Bao J, Wang N,   Huang Y, He S, Chen B*, Yan F*.   Periodontitis may impair the homeostasis of systemic bone through regulation   of gut microbiota in ApoE-/- mice[J]. J Clin Periodontol. 2022 Jul 24. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.13708.   (IF:7.478)

5.Liao Y, Zhang M, Lin X*, Yan   F*. Diaryl urea derivative molecule inhibits cariogenic Streptococcus   mutans by affecting exopolysaccharide synthesis, stress response and nitrogen   metabolism[J]. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2022,12:904488. (IF:6.073)

6.Qiao D, Chen R, Li L, Zhu F,   Zhang Y*, Yan F*. Accelerated alveolar bone loss in a mouse model of   inflammatory bowel disease and its relationship with intestinal   inflammation[J]. J Periodontol. 2022,1-12. (IF:6.993)

7.Wang N, Zheng L, Qian J, Wang M, Li L, Huang Y, Zhang Q, Li Y*, Yan F*. Salivary microbiota of periodontitis aggravates bone loss in ovariectomized rats. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2022,12:983608. (IF:6.073)

5.Zhang M, Liao Y, Tong X*, Yan   F*. Novel urea derivative-loaded PLGA nanoparticles to inhibit   caries-associated Streptococcus mutans[J]. RSC Adv. 2022,12:4072-4080.   (IF:3.361)

6.Liao Y, Zhou C, Zhang Q, Wang X, Yan   F*, Xing X*. Prevalence of early childhood caries in three regions   of China: a cross-sectional study[J]. Int J Paediatr Dent. 2022,00:1-12.   (IF:3.455)

8.Cui D, Kong N, Ding L, Guo Y*,   Yang W*, Yan F*. Ultrathin 2D Titanium Carbide MXene (Ti3C2Tx)   nanoflakes activate WNT/HIF-1alpha-mediated metabolism reprogramming for   periodontal regeneration[J]. Adv Healthc Mater. 2021,2101215. (IF:9.933)

9.Zhang S, Zhou H, Kong N, Wang Z,   Fu H, Zhang Y, Xiao Y*, Yang W*, Yan F*. L-cysteine-modified chiral   gold nanoparticles promote periodontal tissue regeneration[J]. Bioact Mater.   2021,6:3288-3299. (IF:14.593)

10.Li L, Bao J, Chang Y, Wang M,   Chen B*, Yan F*. Gut microbiota may mediate the influence of   periodontitis on prediabetes[J]. J Dent Res. 2021,2021; 220345211009449.   (IF:6.116)

11.Zhang Y, Wang P, Wang Y, Li J,   Qiao D, Chen R, Yang W, Yan F*. Gold nanoparticles promote the bone   regeneration of periodontal ligament stem cell sheets through activation of   autophagy[J]. Int J Nanomedicine. 2021,16:61-73. (IF:5.115)

12.Cui D, Chen C, Luo B, Yan F*.   Inhibiting PHD2 in human periodontal ligament cells via lentiviral   vector-mediated RNA interference facilitates cell osteogenic differentiation   and periodontal repair[J]. J Leukoc Biol. 2021,1-11. (IF:4.962)

13.Li P, Zhang Y, Yan F*,   Zhou X*. Characteristics of a bacteriophage, vB_Kox_ZX8, isolated from   clinical klebsiella oxytoca and its therapeutic effect on mice bacteremia[J].   Front. Microbiol. 2021,12:763136. (IF:5.64)

14.Chen R, Qiao D, Wang P, Li L,   Zhang Y*, Yan F*. Gold nanoclusters exert bactericidal activity and   enhance phagocytosis of macrophage mediated killing of Fusobacterium   nucleatum[J]. Front. Mater. 2021,8:803871. (IF:3.515)

15.Wang X, Ye P, Fang L, Ge S, Huang   F, Polverini PJ, Heng W, Zheng L, Hu Q*, Yan F*, Wang W*. Active   smoking induces aberrations in digestive tract microbiota of rats[J]. Front.   Cell. Infect. Microbiol. 2021,11:737204. (IF:5.293)

16.Li Y, Du Z, Xie X, Zhang Y, Liu   H, Zhou Z, Zhao J, Lee RS, Xiao Y, Ivanoviski S, Yan F*. Epigenetic   changes caused by diabetes and their potential role in the development of   periodontitis[J]. J Diabetes Investig. 2021,12(8):1326-1335. (IF:3.761)

17.Zhang Y, Qiao D, Chen R, Zhu F,   Gong J, Yan F*. The association between periodontitis and inflammatory   bowel disease: a systematic review and Meta-analysis[J]. Biomed Res Int.   2021:6692420. (IF:3.411)

18.Li L, Zhang Y, Wang M, Zhou J,   Zhang Q, Yang W*, Li Y*, Yan F*. gold nanoparticles combined human   β-defensin 3 gene-modified human periodontal ligament cells alleviate   periodontal destruction via the p38 MAPK pathway[J]. Front Bioeng Biotechnol.   2021,9:631191. (IF:3.644)

19.Qian X, Zhang S, Duan L, Yang F,   Zhang K, Yan F*, Ge S*. Periodontitis deteriorates cognitive function   and impairs neurons and glia in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease[J]. J   Alzheimers Dis. 2021,79(4):1785-1800. (IF:4.472)

20.Huang Y, Liao Y, Luo B, Li L,   Zhang Y, Yan F*. Non-surgical periodontal treatment restored the gut   microbiota and intestinal barrier in Apolipoprotein E-/- mice with   periodontitis[J]. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2020,10:498. (IF:4.123)

21.Li L, Jiang H, Chen R, Zhou J,   Xiao Y, Zhang Y*, Yan F*. Human β-defensin 3 gene modification   promotes the osteogenic differentiation of human periodontal ligament cells   and bone repair in periodontitis[J]. Int J Oral Sci. 2020,12(1):13.   (IF:3.047)

22.Zhang S, Yang F, Wang Z, Qian X,   Ji Y, Gong L, Ge S*, Yan F*. Poor oral health conditions and cognitive   decline: Studies in humans and rats[J]. PLoS One. 2020,15(7): e0234659.   (IF:2.74)

23.Ni C, Zhou J, Kong N, Bian T,   Zhang Y, Huang X, Xiao Y*, Yang W*, Yan F*. Gold nanoparticles   modulate the crosstalk between macrophages and periodontal ligament cells for   periodontitis treatment[J]. Biomaterials. 2019,206:115-132. (IF:10.273)

24.Zhang Q, Chen L, Chen B, Chen C,   Chang J, Xiao Y, Wu C, Yan F*. Lithium-calcium-silicate bioceramics   stimulating cementogenic/osteogenic differentiation of periodontal ligament   cells and periodontal regeneration[J]. Appl Mater Today. 2019,16:375-387.   (IF:8.013)

25.Liu J, Chen B, Bao J, Zhang Y,   Lei L*, Yan F*. Macrophage polarization in periodontal ligament stem   cells enhanced periodontal regeneration[J]. Stem Cell Res Ther.   2019,10(1):320. (IF:4.627)

26.Zhou J, Zhang Y, Li L, Fu H, Yang   W, Yan F*. Human β-defensin 3-combined gold nanoparticles for   enhancement of osteogenic differentiation of human periodontal ligament cells   in inflammatory microenvironments[J]. Int J Nanomedicine. 2018,13:555-567.   (IF:4.471)

27.Chen B, Ni Y, Liu J, Zhang Y, Yan   F*. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells exert diverse effects on   different macrophage subsets[J]. Stem Cells Int. 2018,2018:8348121.   (IF:3.902)



30.谭葆春,闫福华. 控制菌斑和炎症在牙龈肥大治疗中的效果评价[J].中华口腔医学杂志,2021,56(6):510-516.

31.李丽丽,保珺,陈斌,闫福华. 高脂饮食加重牙周炎对肠道菌群及糖代谢影响的实验研究[J].中华口腔医学杂志,2021,56(6):539-548.

32.陈斌,李丽丽,张倩,刘娟,程群,闫福华. 侵袭性牙周炎、慢性牙周炎与牙周健康者龈下菌群的差异研究[J].中华口腔医学杂志,2020,55(07):466-474.




1. 2021年指导的张爽博士《手性金纳米颗粒调节自噬促进骨再生的研究》被评为“2021年度南京大学优秀博士学位论文”;

2. 2020年《牙周炎对口腔和全身健康的危害及其关键防治技术的研究和推广》项目获得“教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术进步奖)二等奖”(1/15;

3. 2020年《微创牙周诊疗技术在重度牙周炎患牙保存中的应用》项目获得“江苏省新技术引进奖一等奖”(1/3);

4. 2010年《组织工程技术用于治疗牙周疾病的实验与临床研究》项目获得“福建省科学技术进步奖二等奖”(1/5);
