简介 女 开元娱乐-开元游戏-开元官网 ,副教授,硕士生导师 江苏省“五一劳动奖章”和“五一创新能手”称号获得者 江苏高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师 南京大学首批“青年名师名课计划”入选者 教育工作经历 2006.09-2012.06 开元娱乐-开元游戏-开元官网 ,临床医学,七年制 2012.09-2015.06 开元娱乐-开元游戏-开元官网 ,临床医学,博士 2015.07-2018.08 开元娱乐-开元游戏-开元官网 ,基础医学,助理研究员 2018.09-至今 开元娱乐-开元游戏-开元官网 ,基础医学,副教授 研究方向 1.围术期神经认知紊乱:基础研究主要集中于昼夜节律在围术期神经认知紊乱中的作用及机制研究;临床研究主要集中于围术期神经认知紊乱危险因素分析及潜在诊疗方案评估 2.睡眠障碍:基础研究主要集中于围术期睡眠障碍的发生机制;临床研究主要集中于多模式睡眠干预对睡眠障碍人群的作用 3.疼痛:急慢性疼痛信号的转导与调节机制 成果简介 科研工作:主持包括国家自然科学基金青年项日、国防科技创新培育项目、江苏省自然科学基金青年项目在内的国家及省部级科研项目6项,作为项目骨干参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目多项,以通讯/第一作者发表SCI论文20余篇。 教学工作:主持江苏省一流本科课程,参与校级各类教学改革项目多项。曾获全国高校青年教师教学竞賽一等奖,江苏省本科高校青年教师教学竞赛特等奖,江苏省青年岗位能手,江苏省技术能手等多个奖项。 中国神经科学学会麻醉与脑功能分会青年委员会 委员 江苏省病理生理学会 常务理事 江苏省高等学校医药教育研究会 常务理事 通讯/共同通讯作者 1. Dong, R., Lv, P., Han, Y., Jiang, L., Wang, Z., Peng, L., Ma, Z., Xia, T., Zhang, B., Gu, X. 2022. Enhancement of astrocytic gap junctions Connexin43 coupling can improve long-term isoflurane anesthesia-mediated brain network abnormalities and cognitive impairment. CNS Neurosci Ther, 00:1-17. 2. Han, X., Cheng, X., Xu, J., Liu, Y., Zhou, J., Jiang, L., Gu, X., Xia, T. 2022. Activation of TREM2 attenuates neuroinflammation via PI3K/Akt signaling pathway to improve postoperative cognitive dysfunction in mice. Neuropharmacology, 219:1-12. 3. Peng, L., Liu S., Xu J., Xie W., Fang X., Xia, T., and Gu, X. 2022. Metformin alleviates prolonged isoflurane inhalation induced cognitive decline via reducing neuroinflammation in adult mice. Int Immunopharmacol, 109:1-8. 4. Dong, R., Han, Y., Jiang, L., Liu, S., Zhang, F., Peng, L., Wang, Z., Ma, Z., Xia, T., and Gu, X. 2022. Connexin 43 gap junction-mediated astrocytic network reconstruction attenuates isoflurane-induced cognitive dysfunction in mice. J Neuroinflammation, 19(1):64. 5. Han, X., Liu, Y., Liu, B., Ma, Z., Xia, T., and Gu, X. 2022. TREM2 and CD163 Ameliorate Microglia-Mediated Inflammatory Environment in the Aging Brain. J Mol Neurosci, 72(5):1075-1084. 6. Liu, T., Song, J., Zhou, Q., Chu, S., Liu, Y., Zhao, X., Ma, Z., Xia, T., and Gu, X. 2022. The role of 5-HT7R in the memory impairment of mice induced by long-term isoflurane anesthesia. Neurobiol Learn Mem, 188:107584. 7. Peng, L., Fang, X., Xu, F., Liu, S., Qian, Y., Gong, X., Zhao, X., Ma, Z., Xia, T., and Gu, X. 2021. Amelioration of Hippocampal Insulin Resistance Reduces Tau Hyperphosphorylation and Cognitive Decline Induced by Isoflurane in Mice. Front Aging Neurosci, 13:686506. 8. Liu, Y., Liu, T., Jiang, L., Liu, Q., Ma, Z., Xia, T., and Gu, X. 2021. Identification of hub genes associated with cognition in the hippocampus of Alzheimer's Disease. Bioengineered, 12(2):9598-9609. 9. Liu, B., Chu, S., Liu, T., Song, J., Ma, Z., Gu, X., and Xia, T. 2021. Effects of 5-HT7 receptors on circadian rhythm of mice anesthetized with isoflurane. Chronobiol Int, 38(1):38-45. 10. Du, Y., Gong, X., Fang, X., Xing, F., Xia, T., and Gu, X. 2020. Sevoflurane plays a reduced role in cognitive impairment compared with isoflurane: limited effect on fear memory retention. Neural Regen Res, 15(1):96-102. 11. Xing, F., Fang, X., Gong, X., Zhao, X., Du, Y., Ma, Z., Gu, X., and Xia, T. 2020. Photoacoustic treatment mitigates cognitive dysfunction in a model of sleep-wake rhythm disturbance. Neural Regen Res, 15(6):1094-1101. 12. Liu, H., Gong, X., Zhao, X., Qian, Y., Gu, X., and Xia, T. 2020. GLYX-13 pretreatment ameliorates long-term isoflurane exposure-induced cognitive impairment in mice. Neural Regen Res, 15(1):128-135. 13. Gong, X., Xu, L., Fang, X., Zhao, X., Du, Y., Wu, H., Qian, Y., Ma, Z., Xia, T., and Gu, X. 2020. Protective effects of grape seed procyanidin on isoflurane-induced cognitive impairment in mice. Pharm Biol, 58(1):200-207. 14. Song, J., Chu, S., Fang, X., Xu, F., Zhang, P., Zhao, X., Ma, Z., Xia, T., and Gu, X. 2020. Time-restricted feeding alters isoflurane-induced memory deficits. Transl Neurosci, 11(1):341-355. 15. Song, Y., Li, X., Gong, X., Zhao, X., Ma, Z., Xia, T., and Gu, X. 2019. Green tea polyphenols improve isoflurane-induced cognitive impairment via modulating oxidative stress. J Nutr Biochem, 73:108213. 16. Song, J., Chu, S., Cui, Y., Qian, Y., Li, X., Xu, F., Shao, X., Ma, Z., Xia, T., and Gu, X. 2018. Circadian rhythm resynchronization improved isoflurane-induced cognitive dysfunction in aged mice. Exp Neurol, 306: 45-54. 第一/共同第一作者 1. Fang, X., Xia, T., Xu, F., Wu, H., Ma, Z., Zhao, X., and Gu, X. 2020. Isoflurane aggravates peripheral and central insulin resistance in high-fat diet/streptozocin-induced type 2 diabetic mice. Brain Res, 1727:146511. 2. Xia, T., Chu, S., Cui, Y., Xu, F., Liu, Y., Song, J., Qian, Y., Shao, X., Li, X., Gu, X., and Ma, Z. 2017. The Role of NR2B-CREB-miR212/132-CRTC1-CREB Signal Network in Pain Regulation In Vitro and In Vivo. Anesth Analg, 124(6), 2045–2053. 3. Xia, T., Cui, Y., Chu, S., Song, J., Qian, Y., Ma, Z. and Gu, X. 2016. Melatonin pretreatment prevents isoflurane-induced cognitive dysfunction by modulating sleep-wake rhythm in mice. Brain Res, 1634, 12-20. 4. Cui, Y., Xia, T., Chu, S., Qian, Y., Zhang, J., Song, J., Ma, Z., and Gu, X. 2016. The role of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II-cyclic AMP-responsive element binding protein signaling pathway on sensory-discriminative and affective-motivational pain responses in a rat model of chronic constriction injury of sciatic nerve. Int J Clin Exp Med, 9(6):10181-90. 5. Xia, T., Cui, Y., Qian, Y., Chu, S., Song, J., Gu, X. and Ma, Z. 2016. Regulation of the NR2B-CREB-CRTC1 Signaling Pathway Contributes to Circadian Pain in Murine Model of Chronic Constriction Injury. Anesth Analg, 122(2), 542-52. 6. Xia, T., Cui, Y., Chu, S., Ma, Z., Gu, X. 2015. Murine clock gene expression in the suprachiasmatic nuclei and peripheral blood mononuclear cells during the daily sleep-wake rhythm and after isoflurane anesthesia. Sleep Biol Rhythms, 13(4), 357-365. 7. Xia, T., Cui, Y., Shi, H., Ma, Z. and Gu, X. 2014. The effect of NR2B subunit palmitoylation at the spinal level after chronic dorsal root ganglia compression in rats. Anesth Analg, 119(5), 1208-14. 其他作者 1. Cheng, X., Gu, X., Xia, T., Ma, Z., Yang, Z., Feng, H. L., Zhao, Y., Ma, W., Ju, Z., Gorospe, M., Yi, X., Tang, H., and Wang, W. 2021. HuB and HuD repress telomerase activity by dissociating HuR from TERC. Nucleic Acids Res, 49(5):2848-2858. 2. Liu, H., Xia, T., Zhu, Z., Zhao, X., Qian, Y., Ma, Z., and Gu, X. 2019. Effect of neuromuscular blockade on transcranial electric motor evoked potentials during surgical correction for idiopathic scoliosis under total intravenous anesthesia. J Clin Monit Comput, 33(3):471-479. 3. Qian, Y., Xia, T., Cui, Y., Chu, S., Ma, Z. Gu, X. 2019. The role of CaMKII in Neuropathic Pain and Fear Memory in Chronic Constriction Injury in Rats. Int J Neurosci, 129(2):146-154. 4. Liu, H., Xia, T.,Xu, F.,Ma, Z., and Gu, X. 2018. Identification of the key genes associated with neuropathic pain. Mol Med Rep, 17(5): 6371-6378. 主持项目 1.2021年度高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师培养对象:4万,2021-2024 2.国家自然科学基金青年项目:RbAp48在糖皮质激素介导的老年POCD中的机制研究,20万,2018-2020 3.国防科技创新特区培育项目:无创脑波调节技术在睡眠-觉醒节律紊乱介导的认知功能障碍中的应用,50万,2018-2020 4.江苏省自然科学基金青年项目:RbAp48相关组蛋白乙酰化在糖皮质激素介导的老年POCD中的作用和机制研究,20万,2017-2020 5.中央高校基本科研业务费——原创交叉类:脑波调节系统结合VR技术在“睡眠-觉醒”节律偏移介导的老年术后认知功能障碍中的应用,30万,2017-2019 6.中央高校基本科研业务费——人才类:乳酸穿梭失衡在EFhd2介导的老年POCD中的作用,10万,2019-2019 7.中央高校基本科研业务费——自然基金类:RbAp48在糖皮质激素介导的老年POCD中的作用,5万,2016-2016 参与项目 1.国家自然科学基金重点项目,第二参与人:SCOP介导的“睡眠-觉醒”节律偏移在老年POCD中的作用及机制研究,297万,2018-2022 2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,第三参与人:脊髓水平GR-NPAS4信号通路对GABA能抑制性突触的调节在术前焦虑加重术后疼痛中的作用,70万,2015-2018 3.国家自然科学基金面上项目,第一参与人:“睡眠-觉醒”节律偏移在NR2B介导的老年POCD中的作用,70万,2013-2016 1.江苏省青年岗位能手称号,2021 2.南京大学中国银行教师教学成果奖,2021 3.南京大学郑钢基金——学业导师优秀示范奖,2021 4.南京大学档案工作先进个人(年鉴类),2021 5.南京大学魅力导师奖,2021 6.开元娱乐-开元游戏-开元官网 优秀教师,2021 7.全国高校青年教师教学竞赛一等奖,2020 8.全国高校(医学类)微课教学比赛三等奖,2020 9.江苏省五一劳动奖章,2020 10.江苏省本科高校青年教师教学竞赛特等奖,2020 11.江苏省技术能手称号,2020 12.江苏省五一创新能手荣誉称号,2020 13.《南京大学年鉴2020》优秀撰稿人,2020 14.“新华报业”南京大学优秀青年教师奖,2018 15.开元娱乐-开元游戏-开元官网 优秀教师奖,2018 |