
电话:025-80863012邮箱:[email protected] 地址:中山东路305号研究方向:

1.普胸肿瘤基础研究 2.普胸肿瘤外科微创治疗及临床研究 3.食管癌快速康复外科研究

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1.1995年于开元娱乐-开元游戏-开元官网 本硕连读毕业,获硕士学位;









2.近年在Annals of Thoracic SurgeryMolecular Therapy-Nucleic AcidsCancer LettersCell Death and Disease Clinical Nutrition等杂志,以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文60余篇。





金陵医院博士后联系导师、开元娱乐-开元游戏-开元官网 博士生、硕士生导师

















《Journal of Thoracic Disease》《Translatesurgery》《Asia-Pacific Journalof Medicine》《肿瘤学杂志》《实用肿瘤学杂志》等审稿专家

1.Wei L, Hu N, Ye M, Xi Z, Wang Z, Xiong L, Yang N and Shen Y.   Overexpression of 14-3-3zeta primes disease recurrence, metastasis and   resistance to chemotherapy by inducing epithelial-mesenchymal transition in   NSCLC. Aging (Albany NY). 2022;14:5838-5854.

2.Zheng C, Li XK, Zhang C, Zhou H, Ji SG, Zhong JH, Xu Y, Cong   ZZ, Wang GM, Wu WJ and Shen Y. Comparison of short-term clinical outcomes   between robot-assisted minimally invasive esophagectomy and video-assisted   minimally invasive esophagectomy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J   Thorac Dis. 2021;13:708-719.

3.Yang J, Sun H, Tian F, Wan S, Mamtawla G, Wang P, Gao X, Zhang   L, Li J, Shen Y and Wang X. Autophagy suppression plays a role in parenteral   nutrition-associated lung injury. Clin Nutr. 2021;40:560-570.

4.Shao CY, Yu Y, Li QF, Liu XL, Song HZ, Shen Y and Yi J.   Development and Validation of a Clinical Prognostic Nomogram for Esophageal   Adenocarcinoma Patients. Front Oncol. 2021;11:736573.

5.Luo J, Wang H, Wang L, Wang G, Yao Y, Xie K, Li X, Xu L, Shen   Y and Ren B. lncRNA GAS6-AS1 inhibits progression and glucose metabolism   reprogramming in LUAD via repressing E2F1-mediated transcription of GLUT1.   Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2021;25:11-24.

6.Li XK, Xu Y, Zhou H, Cong ZZ, Wu WJ, Qiang Y and Shen Y. Does   robot-assisted minimally invasive oesophagectomy have superiority over   thoraco-laparoscopic minimally invasive oesophagectomy in lymph node   dissection? Dis Esophagus. 2021;34.

7.Xu Y, Li XK, Cong ZZ, Zhou H, Wu WJ, Qiang Y, Yi J and Shen Y.   Long-term outcomes of robotic-assisted versus thoraco-laparoscopic McKeown   esophagectomy for esophageal cancer: a propensity score-matched study. Dis   Esophagus. 2020.

8.Luo J, Xie K, Gao X, Yao Y, Wang G, Shao C, Li X, Xu Y, Ren B,   Hu L and Shen Y. Long Noncoding RNA Nuclear Paraspeckle Assembly Transcript 1   Promotes Progression and Angiogenesis of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma   Through miR-590-3p/MDM2 Axis. Front Oncol. 2020;10:618930.

9.Li XK, Xu Y, Cong ZZ, Zhou H, Wu WJ and Shen Y. Comparison of   the progression-free survival between robot-assisted thymectomy and   video-assisted thymectomy for thymic epithelial tumors: a propensity score   matching study. J Thorac Dis. 2020;12:4033-4043.

10.Li XK, Xu Y, Cong ZZ, Luo J, Zhou H, Ji SG, Diao YF, Wu WJ, Qiang   Y, Qian JJ and Shen Y. Modified Collard versus end-to-side hand-sewn   anastomosis for cervical anastomosis after McKeown esophagectomy. Thorac   Cancer. 2020;11:2909-2915.

11.Li XK, Cong ZZ, Xu Y, Zhou H, Wu WJ, Wang GM, Qiang Y and Shen Y.   Clinical efficacy of robot-assisted thoracoscopic surgery for posterior   mediastinal neurogenic tumors. J Thorac Dis. 2020;12:3065-3072.

12.Li XK, Cong ZZ, Wu WJ, Ji SG, Zhou H, Liu KC, Xu Y and Shen Y.   Efficacy of 4 wk of home enteral feeding supplementation after esophagectomy   on immune function: A randomized controlled trial. Nutrition. 2020;77:110787.

13.Cong Z, Diao Y, Li X, Jiang Z, Xu Y, Zhou H, Qiang Y, Wu H and   Shen Y. Long non-coding RNA linc00665 interacts with YB-1 and promotes   angiogenesis in lung adenocarcinoma. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.   2020;527:545-552.

14.Cao H, Chen X, Hou J, Wang C, Xiang Z, Shen Y and Han X. The   Shh/Gli signaling cascade regulates myofibroblastic activation of   lung-resident mesenchymal stem cells via the modulation of Wnt10a expression   during pulmonary fibrogenesis. Lab Invest. 2020;100:363-377.

15.Luo J, Yao Y, Ji S, Sun Q, Xu Y, Liu K, Diao Q, Qiang Y and Shen   Y. PITX2 enhances progression of lung adenocarcinoma by transcriptionally   regulating WNT3A and activating Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway. Cancer   Cell Int. 2019;19:96.

16.Luo J, Liu K, Yao Y, Sun Q, Zheng X, Zhu B, Zhang Q, Xu L, Shen Y   and Ren B. DMBX1 promotes tumor proliferation and regulates cell cycle   progression via repressing OTX2-mediated transcription of p21 in lung   adenocarcinoma cell. Cancer Lett. 2019;453:45-56.

17.Cong Z, Diao Y, Xu Y, Li X, Jiang Z, Shao C, Ji S, Shen Y, De W and   Qiang Y. Long non-coding RNA linc00665 promotes lung adenocarcinoma   progression and functions as ceRNA to regulate AKR1B10-ERK signaling by   sponging miR-98. Cell Death Dis. 2019;10:84.

18.Luo J, Wang Z, Huang J, Yao Y, Sun Q, Wang J, Shen Y, Xu L and Ren   B. HOXC13 promotes proliferation of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma via   repressing transcription of CASP3. Cancer Sci. 2018;109:317-329.

19.Hu L, Yao X, Huang H, Guo Z, Cheng X, Xu Y, Shen Y, Xu B and Li   D. Clinical significance of germline copy number variation in susceptibility   of human diseases. J Genet Genomics. 2018;45:3-12.

20.Cong Z, Diao Q, Yi J, Xiong L, Wu H, Qin T, Jing H, Li D and Shen   Y. Esophagectomy combined with aortic segment replacement for esophageal   cancer invading the aorta. Ann Thorac Surg. 2014;97:460-6.


2.江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,长链非编码RNA HOXC13-AS作为增强子样元件调控食管癌恶性特征的机制研究,2019.01-2021.12




