林兆宇博士,2006-2012年在南京大学模式动物研究所攻读博士学位,师从高翔教授,并在美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学进行3年访问学者研究。回国后2012-2013年在南京大学化学化工学院进行博士后研究;2014年加入模式动物研究所任副研究员;2019年受聘为南京大学副教授,医药生物技术国家重点实验室研究员。 本课题组专注于生理稳态的免疫和代谢调控。由于免疫和代谢涉及几乎所有的核心生理稳态调控,所以其调控紊乱是自身免疫、肥胖、不孕不育、肿瘤、心血管和老年痴呆等多种复杂疾病的重要原因。本课题组希望从分子机制角度解释免疫和代谢紊乱导致的复杂疾病的症状,并探寻疾病临床治疗靶点和方法。围绕着生理稳态的免疫和代谢调控本课题组开展了以下三方面的研究内容: (一) 固有免疫中细胞焦亡与相关自身疾病(脓毒症、矽肺、哮喘和银屑病等)的发病机制研究和治疗方法开发 (二) 机体代谢紊乱(肥胖)的调控机制研究与相应减肥疗法的开发 (三) 基于肠道菌群人源化小鼠模型研究炎症性肠病和结肠癌的发病机制和治疗方法 中国生物物理学会代谢生物学分会青年理事 1. Zhao,M., K. Ren, X. Xiong, Y. Xin, Y. Zou, J.C. Maynard, A. Kim, A.P. Battist, N. Koneripalli, Y. Wang, Q. Chen, R. Xin, C. Yang, R. Huang, J. Yu, Z. Huang, Z. Zhang, H. Wang, D. Wang, Y. Xiao, O.C. Salgado, N.N. Jarjour, K.A. Hogquist, X.S. Revelo, A.L.Burlingame, X. Gao, J. von Moltke, Z. Lin*, and H.B.Ruan*, Epithelial STAT6 O-GlcNAcylation drives a concertedanti-helminth alarmin response dependent on tuft cell hyperplasiaand Gasdermin C. Immunity, 2022. 55(4): p. 623-638.e5. 2.Chen,Q., J. Zheng, D. Wang, Q. Liu, L. Kang, X. Gao*, and Z.Lin*, Nitrosonisoldipine is a selective inhibitor ofinflammatory caspases and protects against pyroptosis and relatedseptic shock. Eur J Immunol, 2021. 51(5): p. 1234-1245. 3. Zou,D., J. Pei, J. Lan, H. Sang, H. Chen, H. Yuan, D. Wu, Y. Zhang, Y.Wang, D. Wang, Y. Zou, D. Chen, J. Ren*, X. Gao*, and Z.Lin*, A SNP of bacterial blc disturbs gut lysophospholipidhomeostasis and induces inflammation through epithelial barrierdisruption. EBioMedicine, 2020. 52: p. 102652. 4. Wang,D., J. Zheng, Q. Hu, C. Zhao, Q. Chen, P. Shi, Q. Chen, Y. Zou, D.Zou, Q. Liu, J. Pei, X. Wu, X. Gao*, J. Ren*, and Z. Lin*,Magnesium protects against sepsis by blocking gasdermin DN-terminal-induced pyroptosis. Cell Death Differ, 2020.27(2): p. 466-481. 5.Sun,M., S. Zheng, X. Gao*, and Z. Lin*, The role ofimmune cells in obesogenic memory. Cell Mol Immunol, 2020.17(8): p. 884-886. 6.Wang,Y., P. Shi, Q. Chen, Z. Huang, D. Zou, J. Zhang, X. Gao*, and Z.Lin*, Mitochondrial ROS promote macrophage pyroptosis byinducing GSDMD oxidation. J Mol Cell Biol, 2019. 11(12): p.1069-1082. 7.Chen,Q., P. Shi, Y. Wang, D. Zou, X. Wu, D. Wang, Q. Hu, Y. Zou, Z.Huang, J. Ren, Z. Lin*, and X. Gao*, GSDMB promotesnon-canonical pyroptosis by enhancing caspase-4 activity. J MolCell Biol, 2019. 11(6): p. 496-508. 8.Chen,Q., P. Shi, D. Wang, Q. Liu, X. Li, Y. Wang, D. Zou, Z. Huang, X.Gao*, and Z. Lin*, Epidermis-Activated Gasdermin-A3Enhances Thermogenesis of Brown Adipose Tissue through IL-6/Stat3Signaling. Am J Pathol, 2019. 189(5): p. 1041-1052. 9.Zou,J., B. Lai, M. Zheng, Q. Chen, S. Jiang, A. Song, Z. Huang, P.Shi, X. Tu, D. Wang, L. Lu, Z. Lin*, and X. Gao*,CD4+ T cells memorize obesity and promote weight regain. CellMol Immunol, 2018. 15(6): p. 630-639. 10.Lin,Z.*, F. Liu, P. Shi, A. Song, Z. Huang, D. Zou, Q. Chen,J. Li, and X. Gao, Fatty acid oxidation promotes reprogramming byenhancing oxidative phosphorylation and inhibiting protein kinaseC. Stem Cell Res Ther, 2018. 9(1): p. 47. 科技部,国家重点研发计划子课题,2018YFA0801101,建立小鼠发育代谢表型库-标准化突变小鼠品系建立与质控,2019-09至2024-08 |