刘永振博士,南京大学准聘副教授,研究员,博士生导师,入选国家海外高层次人才青年项目。2014-2019年就读于北京大学基础开元娱乐 ,获病原生物学博士学位;2019-2024年在美国普林斯顿大学完成博士后训练。2024年9月在开元娱乐-开元游戏-开元官网 模式动物研究所建立实验室独立开展工作。主要从事肝炎病毒感染、动物模型以及慢乙肝药物研发和评价,相关研究成果以第一或通讯作者(含共同)在Journal of Hepatology、Hepatology和Nature Communications等领域内主流期刊发表论文多篇,被全球乙肝基金会(Hepatitis B Foundation)授予“突出青年科学家(Outstanding Young Scientist)” 在Blumberg研究所做专题报告。荣获“美国癌症协会(ACS)博士后研究基金奖”和“新泽西癌症研究委员会博士后基金奖(NJCCR)”。完成的多项研究在乙肝病毒、丁肝病毒临床检测和动物模型领域具有明确医学意义和应用转化价值,目前已授权中国发明专利2项,申请美国发明专利2项。 课题组诚招本科、硕士和博士研究生。长期招聘副研究员、博士后和科研助理,期待具有病毒学、免疫学、动物模型、化学生物学、生物信息等研究兴趣和背景的青年才俊加入!我们将为有人生梦想和科研追求的你提供积极向上、宽松自由的工作环境! 联系邮箱:[email protected] 1. Liu Y#, Liu H#, Hu Z#, Ding Y#, Pan XB, Zou J, Xi J, Yu G, Huang H, Luo MT, Guo F, Liu S, Sheng Q, Jia J, Zheng YT, Wang J, Chen X*, Guo JT*, Wei L*, Lu F*. HBV virions produced under nucleos(t)ide analogue treatment are mainly not infectious due to irreversible DNA chain termination. Hepatology. 2020 Feb; 71(2):463-476. 2. Liu Y#, Zeng W, Xi J, Liu H, Liao H, Yu G, Chen X, Lu F*. Over-gap PCR amplification to identify presence of replication-competent HBV DNA from integrated HBV DNA: an updated occult HBV infection definition. Journal of Hepatology. 2019 Mar; 70(3):557. 3. Liu Y#, Cafiero TR, Park D, Biswas A, Winer BY, Cho CH, Bram Y, Chandar V, O’ Connell AK, Gertje HP, Crossland N, Schwartz RE, Ploss A*. Targeted viral adaptation generates a simian-tropic hepatitis B virus that infects marmoset cells. Nature Communications. 2023 Jun; 14(1):3582. 4. Liu Y#, Park D, Cafiero TR, Bram Y, Chandar V, Tseng A, Gertje HP, Crossland RA, Su L, Schwartz RE, Ploss A*. Molecular clones of genetically distinct hepatitis B virus genotypes reveal distinct host and drug treatment responses. JHEP Reports. 2022 Sep; 4(9):100535. 5. Liu Y#, Maya S, Carver S, O’Connell A.K., Zen A, Gertje H.P., Crossland N., Ploss A*. Development of a dual channel detection system for pan-genotypic simultaneous quantification of hepatitis B and delta viruses. Emerging Microbes & Infections. 2024 April; (13): 2350167. 6. Wang Y#, Liu Y#*, Zhang T#, Guan G, Mao T, Liu H, Zhang J, Lu F*, Chen X*. LncCDCA3L inhibits cell proliferation via a novel RNA structure-based crosstalk with CDCA3 in hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver International. 2022 Mar; 42(6):1432-1446. (Co-first author, Co-corresponding author) 7. Liu Y#, Zhang J, Liu H, Guan G, Zhang T, Wang L, Qi X, Chen CC, Liu J, Chao D, Lu F, Chen X. Compensatory Upregulation of Aldo-Keto Reductase 1B10 to Protect Hepatocytes Against Oxidative Stress During Hepatocarcinogenesis. American Journal of Cancer Research. 2019 Dec; 9(12):2730-2748. 8. Liu Y#, Maya S, Ploss A. Animal Models of Hepatitis B Virus Infection-Success, Challenges, and Future Directions. Viruses. 2021 Apr; 13(5):777. 9. Liu Y#, Qi X#, Zeng Z, Wang Lu, Wang J, Zhang T, Xu Q, Shen C, Zhou G, Yang S, Chen X*, Lu F. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated p53 and Pten dual mutation accelerates hepatocarcinogenesis in adult hepatitis B virus transgenic mice. Scientific Reports. 2017 Jun; 7(1):2796 10. Wang J, Huang H, Liu Y, Chen R, Yan Y, Shi S, Xi J, Zou J, Yu G, Feng X, Lu F. HBV Genome and Life Cycle. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2020; 1179:17-37 2025-2027 国家海外高层次人才青年项目 2024-2030 南京大学“登峰人才”计划 2024年 美国癌症协会(American Cancer Society, ACS)博士后研究基金奖 2023年美国新泽西州癌症研究委员会(NJCCR)博士后基金奖 2018年北京大学基础开元娱乐 “学术新锐” |