
电话:邮箱:[email protected] 地址:汉口路22号南京大学鼓楼校区研究方向:

1.代谢综合征; 肌肉、脂肪组织稳态 2.表观遗传调控与疾病

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      黄志强是开元娱乐-开元游戏-开元官网 2024年引进的助理教授,博士生导师,主要研究肿瘤引起的组织代谢紊乱以及糖脂代谢异常。他曾在2021年获得欧洲糖尿病学会青年科学家荣誉称号,并主持了一项欧盟基金项目。他的博士学习在卡罗林斯卡开元娱乐 Eckardt Treuter教授的指导下进行,研究胆固醇LXR核受体的代谢调控。博士后阶段,他与Eckardt TreuterRongrong Fan合作,重点研究转录抑制性复合体在肥胖背景下对巨噬细胞炎症的调控。这些研究有助于深入理解疾病发展过程中炎症因子的调控网络,对临床治疗具有重要指导意义。目前研究关注核受体共调因子在巨噬细胞炎症和脂质代谢中的作用,特别关注表观修饰在代谢性疾病中的具体作用。他的研究发现核受体共调因子在表观修饰、代谢、炎症调控以及代谢病的发展中具有重要潜力。

    团队研究免疫细胞功能性DNA的调控机制,利用RNA-seqGRO-seqChIP-seqHi-C4C-seq以及CRISPR技术探索这些区域的功能。研究表明,这些功能性DNA区域可能成为控制炎症的潜在药物靶点。相关研究发表在Molecular Cell上,揭示了沉默子、增强子和基因共调解因子在基因调控中的重要作用。团队系统阐述了增强子的核心调控作用和沉默子的负调解作用。沉默子是近年来基因调控中的新发现,与增强子不同,它在基因组中抑制基因的表达,分布广泛,但其在不同组织中的具体分布特点尚不清楚。未来的研究将继续探索沉默子在疾病中的作用,为理解疾病发病过程和开发新治疗方法提供新思路。表观遗传调控在慢性进展性疾病中的作用受到广泛关注。未来的工作重点将研究肥胖和肿瘤晚期引起的组织代谢功能,探索遗传因素在脂肪组织和肌肉中发挥重要生物学功能。开元娱乐相关的文章发表在Cell Metabolism2024, in press)、Nucleic Acids Research2024, in revision)、Advanced Science2024)、Nucleic Acids Research2023)、FASEB Journal (2019)、Frontiers in Endocrinology2023)和STAR Protocols2022)上。

     此外, 团队广泛与国内外学者开展联合研究,合作文章发表于Nature2023)Nature Medicine2016),Nature Communications 2019),The Journal of Clinical Investigation 2023),Science Advances 2024)和Cell Reports 2018)上。

1. 江苏省免疫学会,衰老和免疫分会常务理事

2. Phenomics 杂志青年编委(复旦大学主办)

3. Frontiers in Endocrinology 特约编辑

1. Kai Lin, Lulu Wei1, Ranran Wang, Li Li, Shiyu Song, Fei Wang, Meiwei He, Wenyuan Pu, Jinglin Wang, Junaid Wazir, Wangsen Cao, Xiaozhong Yang, Eckardt Treuter, Rongrong Fan, Yongxiang Wang#, Zhiqiang Huang#, Hongwei Wang#. Disrupted methionine cycle triggers muscle atrophy in cancer cachexia through epigenetic regulation of REDD1. Cell Metabolism. In press.

2. Astradeni Efthymiadou, Chaode Gu, Cheng Wang, Hongwei Wang, Rongrong Fan, Eckardt Treuter#, Zhiqiang Huang#. Distinct roles of the corepressors NCOR and SMRT in shaping the macrophage epigenome and transcriptome linked to metabolic and inflammatory pathways. Nucleic Acids Research, 2024, under revision.

3. Zhiqiang Huang, Ning Liang, Saioa Goni, Anastasios Damdimopoulos, Cheng Wang, Raphaelle Ballaire, Jennifer Jager, Henri Niskanen, Hongya Han, Tomas Jakobsson, Adrian P Bracken, Myriam Aouadi, Nicolas Venteclef, Minna U Kaikkonen, Rongrong Fan, Eckardt Treuter. The corepressors GPS2 and SMRT control enhancer and silencer remodeling via eRNA transcription during inflammatory activation of macrophages. Molecular Cell, 2021, 81:953–968 e959.  Featured Articles.

4. Zhiqiang Huang, Astradeni Efthymiadou, Ning Liang, Rongrong Fan, Eckardt Treuter. Antagonistic action of GPS2 and KDM1A at enhancers governs alternative macrophage activation by interleukin 4. Nucleic Acids Research, 2023, 51:1067-1086.

5. Zhiqiang Huang#, Cheng Wang, Eckardt Treuter, Rongrong Fan#. An optimized 4C-seq protocol based on cistrome and epigenome data in the mouse RAW264.7 macrophage cell line. STAR protocols, 2022, 3:101338.

6. Zhiqiang Huang#, Hengmi Cui. Functional epigenetic regulation in metabolic diseases. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2023, 14:1190693.

7. Zhiqiang Huang, Ning Liang, Anastasius Damdimopoulos, Rongrong Fan, Eckardt Treuter. G protein pathway suppressor 2 (GPS2) links inflammation and cholesterol efflux by controlling lipopolysaccharide-induced ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 expression in macrophages. FASEB Journal, 2019, 33:1631–1643.  Cover Story

8. Vladimir J*, Tabraue C*, Huang Z*, Orizaola MC, Martin-Rodríguez P, Steffensen KR, Zapata JM, Boscá L, Tontonoz P, Alemany S, Treuter E, Castrillo A. Reprogramming of the LXRα Transcriptome Sustains Macrophage Secondary Inflammatory Responses. Adv Sci (Weinh). 2024 May;11(20): e2307201.

9. Binjia Ruan, Jian Dong, Fanhao Wei, Zhiqiang Huang, Bin Yang, Lijun Zhang Chulin Li, Hui Dong, Wangsen Cao, Hongwei Wang# and Yongxiang Wang#. DNMT aberration-incurred GPX4 suppression prompts osteoblast ferroptosis 1 and osteoporosis. Bone Research. In press.

10. Ma B, Gu C, Lu R, Lian P, Wang W, Huang Z, Su Z, Wang H. Inhibition of KPNA2 by ivermectin reduces E2F1 nuclear translocation to attenuate keratinocyte proliferation and ameliorate psoriasis-like lesions. Int Immunopharmacol. 2024 Dec 25;143(Pt 1):113360.

11. Li L, Wazir J, Huang Z, Wang Y, Wang H*. A comprehensive review of animal models for cancer cachexia: Implications for translational research. Genes Dis. 2023 Sep 13;11(6):101080.

12. Gu C, Huang Z, Sun Y, Shi S, Li X, Li N, Liu Y, Guo Z, Jin N, Zhao Z, Li X, Wang H*. Characterization of Human Immortalized Keratinocyte Cells Infected by Monkeypox Virus. Viruses. 2024 Jul 26;16(8):1206.

13. Ma C, Gu C, Lian P, Wazir J, Lu R, Ruan B, Wei L, Li L, Pu W, Peng Z, Wang W, Zong Y, Huang Z, Wang H*, Lu Y*, Su Z*. Sulforaphane alleviates psoriasis by enhancing antioxidant defense through KEAP1-NRF2 Pathway activation and attenuating inflammatory signaling. Cell Death Dis. 2023 Nov 25;14(11):768.

14. Wang T, Dong Y, Huang Z, Zhang G, Zhao Y, Yao H, Hu J, Tüksammel E, Cai H, Liang N, Xu X, Yang X, Schmidt S, Qiao X, Schlisio S, Strömblad S, Qian H, Jiang C, Treuter E, Bergo MO. Antioxidants stimulate BACH1-dependent tumor angiogenesis. J Clin Invest. 2023 Oct 1;133(20): e169671.

15. Paredes A, Justo-Méndez R, Jiménez-Blasco D, Núñez V, Calero I, Villalba-Orero M, Alegre-Martí A, Fischer T, Gradillas A, Sant'Anna VAR, Were F, Huang Z, Hernansanz-Agustín P, Contreras C, Martínez F, Camafeita E, Vázquez J, Ruiz-Cabello J, Area-Gómez E, Sánchez-Cabo F, Treuter E, Bolaños JP, Estébanez-Perpiñá E, Rupérez FJ, Barbas C, Enríquez JA, Ricote M. γ-Linolenic acid in maternal milk drives cardiac metabolic maturation. Nature. 2023 Jun;618(7964):365-373.

16. Ludzki AC, Hansen M, Zareifi D, Jalkanen J, Huang Z, Omar-Hmeadi M, Renzi G, Klingelhuber F, Boland S, Ambaw YA, Wang N, Damdimopoulos A, Liu J, Jernberg T, Petrus P, Arner P, Krahmer N, Fan R, Treuter E, Gao H, Rydén M, Mejhert N. Transcriptional determinants of lipid mobilization in human adipocytes. Sci Adv. 2024 Jan 5;10(1): eadi2689.

17. Liang N, Damdimopoulos A, Goñi S, Huang Z, Vedin LL, Jakobsson T, Giudici M, Ahmed O, Pedrelli M, Barilla S, Alzaid F, Mendoza A, Schröder T, Kuiper R, Parini P, Hollenberg A, Lefebvre P, Francque S, Van Gaal L, Staels B, Venteclef N, Treuter E, Fan R. Hepatocyte-specific loss of GPS2 in mice reduces non-alcoholic steatohepatitis via activation of PPARα. Nat Commun. 2019 Apr 11;10(1):1684.

18. Fan R, Toubal A, Goñi S, Drareni K, Huang Z, Alzaid F, Ballaire R, Ancel P, Liang N, Damdimopoulos A, Hainault I, Soprani A, Aron-Wisnewsky J, Foufelle F, Lawrence T, Gautier JF, Venteclef N, Treuter E. Loss of the co-repressor GPS2 sensitizes macrophage activation upon metabolic stress induced by obesity and type 2 diabetes. Nat Med. 2016 Jul;22(7):780-91.

19. Drareni K, Ballaire R, Barilla S, Mathew MJ, Toubal A, Fan R, Liang N, Chollet C, Huang Z, Kondili M, Foufelle F, Soprani A, Roussel R, Gautier JF, Alzaid F, Treuter E, Venteclef N. GPS2 Deficiency Triggers Maladaptive White Adipose Tissue Expansion in Obesity via HIF1A Activation. Cell Rep. 2018 Sep 11;24(11):2957–2971.e6.

* co-first author; # co-corresponding author

1. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. 0214/14380538),

2. Team building and start-up funds of Nanjing University (0214/14912217).

1.    EFSD/Lilly Young Investigator Research Award (2021), Karolinska Institute