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  1. QuanC, Zhu SS, Wang RZ, Chen JM, Chen QL, Li M, Su S, Du Q, Liu MJ,Wang HY* and Chen S* (2022) Impaired SERCA2a phosphorylationcauses diabetic cardiomyopathy through impinging on cardiaccontractility and precursor protein processing. Life MetabolismDOI: 10.1093/lifemeta/loac013 (* corresponding authors)

  2. ZhuSS, Quan C, Wang RZ, Liang DR, Su S, Rong P, Zhou K, Yang XY,Chen QL, Li M, Du Q, Zhang JZ, Fang L, Wang HY* and Chen S*(2022) The RalGAPα1−RalA signal module protects cardiacfunction through regulating calcium homeostasis. Nat Commun 13:4278 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-31992-z (* corresponding authors)

  3. WeiW, Chen QL, Liu MJ, Sheng Y, OuYang Q, Feng WK, Yang XY, Ding LF,Su S, Zhang JZ, Fang L, Vidal-Puig A, Wang HY* and Chen S* (2022)TRIM24 is an insulin-responsive regulator of P-bodies. Nat Commun13: 3972 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-31735-0 (* correspondingauthors)

  4. YangXY, Chen QL, Ouyang Q, Rong P, Feng WK, Quan C, Li M, Jiang Q,Liang H, Zhao T-J, Wang H-Y and Chen S. Tissue-Specific Splicingand Dietary Interaction of a Mutant As160 Allele Determine MuscleMetabolic Fitness in Rodents. 2021 Diabetes Aug; 70(8):1826-1842.

  5. ChaoQ, Qian D, Min L, Wang R, Ouyang Q, Su S, Zhu S, Chen Q, Sheng Y,Chen L, Wang H, Campbell DG, MacKintosh C, Yang ZZ, Ouyang KF,Wang H-Y & Chen S. A PKB-SPEG signaling nexus links insulinresistance with diabetic cardiomyopathy by regulating calciumhomeostasis. 2020. Nature Comm. volume 11, Article number: 2186

  6. LiM, Quan C, Chen S, Wang H-Y. The 14-3-3 protein is an essentialcomponent of cyclic AMP signaling for regulation of chemotaxisand development in Dictyostelium.//doi.org/10.1016/j.cellsig.2020.109739

  7. ChenQ, Rong P, Zhu S, Yang X, Ouyang Q, Wang HY, Chen S. (2019)Targeting RalGAPα1 in skeletal muscle to simultaneously improvepostprandial glucose and lipid control. Sci Adv. Apr 3; 5(4).doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aav4116.

  8. QuanC, Li M, Du Q, Chen Q, Wang H, Campbell DG, Fang L, Xue B,MacKintosh C, Gao X, Ouyang K, Wang HY, Chen S. (2019) SPEGControls Calcium Re-Uptake into the Sarcoplasmic ReticulumThrough Regulating SERCA2a by Its Second Kinase-Domain. Circ Res124(5): 712-726 doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.118.313916.

  9. ChenQ, Rong P, Xu DJ, Chen L, Xie B, Sheng Y, Li P, Wang HY* and ChenS*. (2017) Muscle-specific Rab8a deletion impairs lipid uptakeand storage in skeletal muscle and causes hyperlipidemia andhepatosteatosis in mice. Diabetes. 66(9):2387-2399.(*corresponding author)

  10. ChenL, Chen Q, Rong P, Wang HY* and Chen S*. (2017) The energysensing LKB1-AMPKα1 pathway regulates IGF1 secretion andconsequent activation of the IGF1R-PKB pathway in primaryhepatocytes. FEBS J. 2017 Jul; 284(13):2096-2109 (*correspondingauthor)






