姓名 | 陈帅 | 研究方向: | 代谢生理与疾病 | ||
联系方式 | |||||
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个人简介 | |||||
陈帅教授,国家杰出青年基金获得者。现任开元娱乐-开元游戏-开元官网 模式动物研究所所长、南京大学-南京生物医药研究院院长、教育部“模式动物与疾病研究重点实验室”主任。主要从事代谢生理和疾病研究、以及相关药物及动物模型研发。主持国家自然科学基金委、科技部等多个项目。在CellMetabolism、PNAS、ScienceAdvances、DevelopmentalCell、NatureCommunications、CirculationResearch、Diabetes、Diabetologia等期刊发表论文50余篇。 | |||||
代表性论文[近5年通讯作者和第一作者] | |||||
1.QuanC, Zhu SS, Wang RZ, Chen JM, Chen QL, Li M, Su S, Du Q, Liu MJ,Wang HY*and Chen S*(2022) Impaired SERCA2a phosphorylationcauses diabetic cardiomyopathy through impinging on cardiaccontractility and precursor protein processing. Life MetabolismDOI: 10.1093/lifemeta/loac013(* corresponding authors) 2.Zhu SS, QuanC, Wang RZ, Liang DR, Su S, Rong P, Zhou K, Yang XY, Chen QL, LiM, Du Q, Zhang JZ, Fang L, Wang HY*and Chen S*(2022) The RalGAPα1−RalA signalmodule protects cardiac function through regulating calciumhomeostasis. Nat Commun 13: 4278 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-31992-z(* corresponding authors) 3.Wei W, Chen QL, LiuMJ, Sheng Y, OuYang Q, Feng WK, Yang XY, Ding LF, Su S, Zhang JZ,Fang L, Vidal-Puig A, Wang HY*and Chen S*(2022) TRIM24 is an insulin-responsiveregulator of P-bodies. Nat Commun 13: 3972 DOI:10.1038/s41467-022-31735-0(* corresponding authors) 4.Zhou K, Chen QL, Chen JM, Liang DR, FengWK, Liu MJ, Wang Q, Wang RZ, OuYang Q, QuanC*and Chen S*(2022) Spatiotemporal regulation ofinsulin signaling by liquid-liquid phase separation. Cell Discov8(1): 64 DOI: 10.1038/s41421-022-00430-1(* corresponding authors) 5.Chen ZY, Sun YT, Wang ZM, Hong J, Xu M,Zhang FT, Zhou XQ, Rong P, Wang Q, Wang HY, Wang H*,Chen S*and Chen L*(2022) Rab2A regulates the progression of nonalcoholic fatty liverdisease downstream of AMPK-TBC1D1 axisby stabilizing PPAR. Plos Biol 20(1): e3001522 DOI:10.1371/journal.pbio.3001522(* corresponding authors) 6.Yang XY,Chen QL, OuYang Q, Rong P, Feng WK, Quan C, Li M, Jiang Q, LiangH, Zhao T-J, Wang HY*and Chen S*(2021) Tissue-specific splicing anddietary interaction of a mutant As160allele determine muscle metabolic fitness in rodents. Diabetes70(8): 1826-1842 DOI: 10.2337/db21-0039(* corresponding authors) 7.HaoJW, Wang J, Guo HL, Zhao YY, Sun HH, Li YF, Lai XY, Zhao N, WangX, Xie CC, Hong LX, Huang X, Wang HR, Li CB, Liang B, ChenS*and Zhao T-J*(2020) CD36 facilitates fatty aciduptake by dynamic palmitoylation-regulated endocytosis. Nat Commun11: 4765 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-18565-8(* corresponding authors) 8.Quan C, Du Q, Li M,Wang RZ, Su S, Zhu SS, Chen QL, Sheng Y, Chen L, Wang H, CampbellDG, MacKintosh C, Yang ZZ, Ouyang KF, Wang HY* and ChenS*(2020) A PKB-SPEG signaling nexus links insulin resistance withdiabetic cardiomyopathy by regulating calcium homeostasis. NatCommun 11(1): 2186 doi:10.1038/s41467-020-16116-9 (* correspondingauthors) 9.Chen QL, Rong P, ZhuSS, Yang XY, Ouyang Q, Wang HY and ChenS* (2019)Targeting RalGAPα1in skeletal muscle to simultaneouslyimprove postprandialglucose and lipid control. ScienceAdvances 5(4): eaav4116 (* correspondingauthor) 10.Quan C, Li M, Du Q, Chen QL, Wang H, Campbell D, Fang L, Xue B,MacKintosh C, Gao X, Ouyang KF, Wang HY and ChenS*(2019) SPEGcontrols calcium re-uptake into the sarcoplasmic reticulum throughregulating SERCA2a by its second kinase-domain. Circ Res 124(5):712-726 (*corresponding author) | |||||
承担科研项目[项目负责人] | |||||
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获奖情况 | |||||
2013年获教育部“新世纪优秀人才”计划支持 |