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  1. XiaY, Zhang Y, Xu M, Zou X, Gao J*, Ji M*, ChenG*. Presenilinenhancer2 is crucial for the transition of apical progenitorsinto neurons but into not basal progenitors in the developinghippocampus. Development2022 (149):dev.200272.

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  4. HouJ, Bi H, Ye Z, Huang W, Zou G, Zou X, Shi Y, Shen Y, Ma Q,Kirchhoff F, Hu Y*, ChenG*. Pen-2negatively regulates the differentiation of oligodendrocyteprecursor cells into astrocytes in the central nervous system. J.Neurosci. 2021(41):4976-4990.

  5. WangHLiuMZouGWangL, Duan WHeX, Ji MZouX, Hu Y*,Yang J*ChenG*.Deletion of PDK1 inoligodendrocyte lineage cells causes white matter abnormality andmyelinationdefect in the central nervous system.Neurobiol. Dis.2021 (148): 105212.

  6. BiHZhouCZhangYCaiXJiMYangJChenG*,Hu Y*.Neuron-specific deletion of presenilin enhancer2 causesprogressive astrogliosis and agerelated neurodegeneration in thecortex independent of the Notch signaling. CNSNeurosci. Ther.2021 (27):174-185.

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  9. ShaoC, Yuan J, Liu Y, Wang X, Gu J, ChenG, Zhang B, Liu H,Zhao J*,Zhu H* andQian Y*.Epilepticbrain fluorescent imaging reveals apigenin can relieve themyeloperoxidase-mediated oxidative stress and inhibitferroptosis.PNAS2020 (117):10155-10164.

  10. HuangC, Liu T, Wang Q, Hou W, Zhou C, Song Z, Shi YS, Gao X, ChenG*,Yin Z*and Hu Y*.Loss of PP2A disrupts the retention of radial glial progenitorsin the telencephalic niche to impair the generation of late-bornneurons during cortical development (Coverstory). Cereb.Cortex2020(30):4183-4196.

  11. Ma X, Wang Y, Hua J, Xu C,Yang T, Yuan J, ChenG*,Guo Z*and Wang X*.Aβ-sheet-targeted theranostic agent for diagnosing andpreventing aggregation of pathogenic peptides in Alzheimer’sdisease (Coverstory). Sci.China Chem.2020 (63):73-82.

  12. ChengS, Liu T, Hu Y, Xia Y, Hou J, Huang C, Zou X, Shi Y, Zheng Y, LuJ* and ChenG*.Conditional inactivation ofPen-2 in thedeveloping neocortex leads to rapid switch of apical progenitorsto basal progenitors. J.Neurosci. 2019(39):2195-2207.


1. 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目一项;

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目一项。
